Margitta Büchner

Margitta Büchner, M. Sc.

wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Polymer Materials

Room: Room 1.89
Martensstr. 7
91058 Erlangen


2014 – 2018
Studied chemical and bioengineering at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, degree: B. Sc.
Topic of bachelor thesis: Construction of a Raman and fluorescence measurement section on an acoustic levitator

2018 – 2021
Studied chemical and bioengineering at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, degree: M. Sc.
Topic of master’s thesis: Development, construction and calibration of a temperature-controlled low-cost capillary rheometer for the characterisation of bio-inks

Seit Januar 2022
Research associate at the Chair of Polymer Materials at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg




conference contributions

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